Hair of the Hog Botanicals

I (Terry) have been fascinated for a very long time with the ways in which we, as humans, have worked with plants to create what we need from the land where we live.  How people developed ways of making and creating the very basic items needed for daily living, health, and healing, all from whatContinueContinue reading “Hair of the Hog Botanicals”

Creating Community

How do you want to spend this one precious life that you have been so blessed to live? Do you long to live in community, to be truly indebted to one another and surrounded by people who care about you and are invested in cultivating healthy, reciprocal relationships? Are you tired of not knowing whereContinueContinue reading “Creating Community”

Hearing the Call of Farmer: An Apprenticeship with Life and Death

Fall has arrived, and with it comes all the preparation for winter and colder temperatures. The golden hues of fractured light illuminate the beautiful array of colours that mark the occasion, and although the weather has been unseasonably warm, we try our best not to be lulled into that feeling of long lazy days whereContinueContinue reading “Hearing the Call of Farmer: An Apprenticeship with Life and Death”

Discovering Yourself Through Farming: Stories From a Nature-Based Farm Apprenticeship

Summer is in full bloom here on the farm with the warm nights, fireflies and the continued explosion of life in the short season of heat, warming our hearts and being grateful for the seasonality of this place.  Our first cohort of apprentices arrived in the middle of spring, with sub zero temperatures, no greeneryContinueContinue reading “Discovering Yourself Through Farming: Stories From a Nature-Based Farm Apprenticeship”

Diving into the Depths of Sacred Farming

I sit in the awe and beauty of this place, its hard work, its community, its hardship. I had never imagined that I would be in service to something that feels so important, to be in service to the young folks who are finding their way here. I have spent the majority of my lifeContinueContinue reading “Diving into the Depths of Sacred Farming”